Define Integration Testing approach in software testing.


Integration Testing approach:

1. In a project there are multiple modules i.e. units. 

2. Each unit is tested and if any bug is found, it is fixed at that level. 

3. After performing unit testing, all the units are integrated and integration testing is performed against groups of modules. 

4. This process of incremental testing continues putting together more and more pieces of the software until the entire product or at least a major portion of it is tested at once. 

Integration testing includes test drivers and stubs. 

Test driver:- Test driver send test case data to the modules under test, read back the results and verify that they are correct. A bottom up testing where test driver is your own module to pass data to the module under test 

Stubs:- A top down testing approach include stub which is a small piece of code that acts as a interface module for feeding the input to the module under test. 


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