Difference between IPv4 and IPv6.



1. Source and Destination addresses are 32 bits in length.

1. Source and Destination addresses are 128 bits in length.

2. IPv4 addresses are binary numbers represented in decimals.

2. IPv6 addresses are binary numbers represented in hexadecimals.

3. IPsec supports in optional.

3. IPsec is inbuilt.

4. Security is dependent on application.

4. IPsec is inbuilt in IPv6 protocol.

5. No packet flow identification.

5. Packet flow identification is available within the IPv6 header using flow label field.

6. Header includes a checksum.

6. Header does not include a checksum.

7. Encryption and Authentication is not provided.

7. Encryption and Authentication is provided.

8. Must be configured either manually or through DHCP.

Does not require manual configuration or DHCP.

9. Header includes options.

9. All optional data is moved to Ipv6 extension headers.

10. Most support a 576 byte packet size.(Usually fragmented).

10. Must support 1280 byte packet size(Without Fragmentation).


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