Explain tree topology with neat diagram.

 Solution :-

 Tree Topology:

1. A tree topology is cascading of star.

2. As in a star, nodes in a tree are linked to a central hub head end that controls the traffic to a network. However, not every computer plugs into the central hub, majority of them are connected to a secondary hub which in turn is connected to the central hub as shown in fig.

3. The central hub head is either a switch or a router.

4. The central hub contains a repeater, which looks at the incoming bits and 99 regenerates them afresh as full blown signals for 0 or 1 as per case. 

5. This allows the digital signals to traverse over longer distances. 

6. Therefore, the central hub is also called active hub. 

7. The tree topology also contains many secondary hubs, which may be active hubs or passive hubs.


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