Difference between Automated testing and Manual testing.
testing |
testing |
1. If you have to run a set of tests repeatedly automation is a huge gain |
1. If Test Cases have to be run a small number of times it's more
likely to perform manual testing |
2. Helps performing "compatibility testing" - testing the
software on different configurations |
2. It allows the tester to perform more ad-hoc (random testing) |
3. It gives you the ability to run automation scenarios to perform
regressions in a shorter time |
3. Short term costs are reduced |
4. It gives you the ability to run regressions on a code that is
continuously changing |
4. The more time tester spends testing a module the grater the odds
to find real user bugs |
5. It's more expensive to automate. Initial investments are bigger
than manual testing |
5. Manual tests can be very time consuming |
6. You cannot automate everything, some tests still have to be done
manually |
6. For every release you must rerun the same set of tests which can
be tiresome |
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