Difference between Automated testing and Manual testing.


Automated testing

Manual testing

1. If you have to run a set of tests repeatedly         automation is a huge gain

1. If Test Cases have to be run a small number of times it's more likely to perform manual testing

2. Helps performing "compatibility testing" - testing the software on different configurations

2. It allows the tester to perform more ad-hoc (random testing)

3. It gives you the ability to run automation scenarios to perform regressions in a shorter time

3. Short term costs are reduced

4. It gives you the ability to run regressions on a code that is continuously changing

4. The more time tester spends testing a module the grater the odds to find real user bugs

5. It's more expensive to automate. Initial investments are bigger than manual testing

5. Manual tests can be very time consuming

6. You cannot automate everything, some tests still have to be done manually

6. For every release you must rerun the same set of tests which can be tiresome


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