Explain general format of Software Requirement Specification (SRS).
Solution:- Software requirements specification (SRS) is a document that is created when a detailed description of all aspects of the software to be built must be specified before the project is to commence. It is important to note that a formal SRS is not always written. In fact, there are many instances in which effort expended on an SRS might be better spent in other software engineering activities. However, when software is to be developed by a third party, when a lack of specification would create severe business issues, or when a system is extremely complex or business critical, an SRS may be justified. Karl Wiegers has developed a worthwhile template that can serve as a guideline for those who must create a complete SRS. A topic outline follows: 1. Introduction 1.1. Purpose1.2. Document Conventions 1.3. Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions 1.4. Project Scope 1.5. References 2. Overall Description 2.1 Product Perspective 2.2 Product Features 2.3 U...