
Showing posts from July, 2021

Define Integration Testing approach in software testing.

 solution:- Integration Testing approach: 1. In a project there are multiple modules i.e. units.  2. Each unit is tested and if any bug is found, it is fixed at that level.  3. After performing unit testing, all the units are integrated and integration testing is performed against groups of modules.  4. This process of incremental testing continues putting together more and more pieces of the software until the entire product or at least a major portion of it is tested at once.  Integration testing includes test drivers and stubs.  Test driver:- Test driver send test case data to the modules under test, read back the results and verify that they are correct. A bottom up testing where test driver is your own module to pass data to the module under test  Stubs:- A top down testing approach include stub which is a small piece of code that acts as a interface module for feeding the input to the module under test. 

Define data sharing compatibility in software testing.

 solution:- Data Sharing Compatibility: 1.   Data Sharing compatibility testing is essential for sharing the data among different applications.  2. In the regular working we transfer data from one program to another.  3. This is done by saving and loading disk files. i.e. We share data among multiple machines. The data that we store should be compatible on all the machines on which we are sharing file.  4. File  save and file load are the data sharing methods that are commonly used in daily working.  5. You save your data into any storage device such as pen drive and then load it on another computer running different software.  6. The data formats of the files need to meet standards for it to be compatible on both computers.  7. For example, you save a file abc.doc on Windows Microsoft Word. When you try to open the same file on another computer with open office word processor it should support all functionalities such as save, insert, import...

Explain ISO 9000 standard in software testing.

  solution:- ISO 9000 Standard:  1. Develop detailed quality plans and procedures to control configuration management, product verification and validation (testing), nonconformance(bugs), and corrective actions (fixes)  2. Prepare and receive approval for a software development plan that includes a definition of the project, a list of the project’s objectives, a project schedule, a product specification, a description of how the project is organized, a discussion of risks and assumptions, and strategies for controlling it.  3. Communicate the specification in terms that make it easy for the customer to understand and to validate during testing.  4. Plan, develop, document, and perform software design review procedures.  5. Develop procedures that control software design changes made over the product’s life cycle.  6. Develop and document software test plans.  7. Develop methods to test whether the software meets the customer’s requirements.  ...

Explain Boundary condition in software testing.

  solution:- Boundary Condition:  1. Boundary condition testing test the application for valid data in the boundary and invalid data outside the boundary.  2. Ex. If you are testing for an input box accepting numbers from 1 to 1000 then there is no need to write thousand test cases for all 1000 data input numbers.  3. Boundary conditions in this example checks whether the input box accepts the number in the range of 1 to 1000 and rejects the number less than 1 and greater than 1000.  In the example, test cases can be written for:  1. Test data exactly as the input boundaries of input domain i.e., values 1 & 1000 in this case.  2. Test data with values below the extreme edges of input domain i.e. values 0 and 999.  3. Test data with values above the extreme edges of input domain i.e. values 2 and 1001.

Explain Purpose of Test Procedures.

 solution:-  Purpose of Test Procedures:  Test procedure defines step-by-step details of exactly how to perform those test cases. Here is information that needs to be defined.  1. Identifier: A unique identifier that ties the test procedure to the associated test cases and test design. 2. Purpose:   The purpose of procedure and reference to the test cases it will execute. 3. Special Requirements: Other  procedures, special testing skills or special equipment needed to run procedure. 4. Procedure steps: Detailed description of how tests are to be run.  5. Log: Tells how and by what methods the results and observation will be recorded.  6. Setup: Explain how to prepare for the test . 7. Start: Explains the steps used to start the test.  8. Procedure: Describes the steps used to run tests.  9. Measure : Describes how results are to be determined ex. With stopwatch.  10. Shut down: Explains the steps for suspending the test for ...

Explanation Repetition, Stress and Load Testing.

 solution:- Repetition testing:-  1. Repetition testing involves doing same operation over and over.  This could be as simple as starting up and shutting down the program over and over. It could also mean repeatedly saving and loading data or repeatedly selecting same operation might find bugs after couple of repetitions.  2. The main reason for doing repetition testing is to look for memory leaks. Stress testing:-  1. Stress testing is running software under less than ideal conditions like as slow memory, low disk space, slow CPU, slow modem and so on.  2. The goal is to starve the software. 3. In other word stress testing help you to understand the upper limits of a of a system's capacity using a load beyond the expected maximum. Load Testing:-  1. Load Testing is opposite to stress testing that means operates software with largest possible data files.  2. If your software operates on peripherals such as printers or communication part conne...

Definition of bug and reasons for bug.

  solution:- Bug:- A software bug is an error, flaw or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. In easiest way Bug: All software problems irrespective of big, small, intended unintended etc are called bugs.  reason of bug:- 1.  most bugs arise from mistakes and errors made in either a program's design or its source code, or in components and operating systems used by such programs. 2. A few are caused by compilers producing incorrect code. A program that contains many bugs that seriously interface with its functionality, is said to be buggy.  A software bug occurs when one or more of the following rules is true : 1. The software doesn’t do something that the product specification says it should do.  2. The software does something that the product specification says it shouldn’t do.  3. The software does something that the product specification doesn’t mention.  4...

Difference between static testing and dynamic testing .

 Solution:- Static testing Dynamic testing 1.  A software testing technique in which the software is tested without executing the code. 1.  A software testing technique in which the software is tested with executing the code. 2. Testing done without executing the program. 2. Testing done by executing the program. 3. This testing does verification process. 3. This testing done validation process. 4. It is about to prevention of defeats. 4. It is about finding and fixing defeats. 5. It can be performing before compilation and it covers structural and statement coverage testing. 5. It is perform after compilation and it covers executable file of the code. 6.  example:-Inspection, walkthrough, technical reviews. 6. example:-white box testing, data flow testing, black box testing, functional te...